Monday, January 20, 2014

xwinwrap for your animation background

Download xwinwrap from this site, then execute it depend on your architecture (x86 or x64). and then
  1. Open a terminal window (Applications>Accessories>Terminal).
  2. Optional: Install mplayer for video support:
  3. sudo apt-get install mplayer
  4. Install SVN:
  5. sudo apt-get install subversion
  6. Run the following command to download the code:
  7. svn checkout gwinwrap-read-only
  8. 'cd' (change directories) to the directory you just downloaded:
  9. cd $HOME/gwinwrap-read-only
  10. Make gwinwrap executable:
  11. chmod a+x
  12. And run the application:
  13. ./
If this seems complex, it is because this is a new application and is not stable enough to be run outside of a terminal (in my opinion). It is of course possible (once making the file executable) to double-click to launch gwinwrap, but you may want to see the terminal output.
A script is planned to make installation simpler.

Easily Updating

If updates are made to the code, you can "cd" to the gwinwrap-read-only directory:
cd $HOME/gwinwrap-read-only
then run
svn up
and your code will update the the latest and greatest (but not necessarily the most bug-free) version!

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